Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Welcome to my new Blog!

(If you would like to follow this blog, please do so using the "Follow" link over on the side)

If you cook with Stainless Steel cookware, this blog is for you.  I have just received a set of stainless steel cookware in the mail and it is the first set I have ever owned.  I also realized there is a massive amount of information out there on "How to... with stainless steel".  A lot of it is contradictory, so I decided I would clear the confusion and create my own "How To...".  By trial and error.

At first, my idea was simply to document what worked and what didn't and just keep notes around the house.  But frankly, I am not that bright and can't remember from one minute to the next where I left anything.  Thus the blog: centralized data storage for all my notes.  And suggestions from YOU as well.

Here is my new cookware.  It is Belgique from Tools of the Trade, a Macy's brand.  I got a great price on it.  IT WAS FREE!  This was a birthday present from my mother, so I better hear no sneering at the quality of my cookware.  I am aware that there is higher quality out there.  But nobody talks crap about my MOMMA!  Besides, while this isn't the highest quality, it sure isn't the lowest quality, either.

So, if you have Stainless Steel cookware and know how to use it well, please feel free to comment.  If you would like to learn how to use yours better, stand by and learn from my mistakes.  Feel free to ask any questions you would like, and if I have the time, I will even test out answers if I don't have them.

I'm ready to go on a cooking journey with a brand new set of cookware!  Are you?

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